Snow White
Written: Dec. 18th & Dec. 31st, 2009
The black stream cut through the white snow like a dagger blade
The forest was quiet but for its throaty voice
And the soft swish of snow, showering down from over-weighted branches above.
Soft puffs of misty air were pulsing solitarily.
It was cold, but non-invasively so.
The cold air seemed to require invitation,
With the slow, even breaths she took
And it felt both cleansing and numbing at the same time.
Indeed her mind felt leaden
Her vision was clear, more aware of her surroundings and her own physical being than usual.
But her mind felt slowed, as though the cold that should have numbed her body
Numbed her mind instead.
She stood very still and listened as a deer stretched its legs and trotted past somewhere nearby.
In every direction she saw only trees,
Black trunks laced with snow like decorative frosting.
It gave her a sense of infinence, a land that went on and on forever
Like looking up into a starry sky in the summer
A glimpse of eternity.
Thoughts slowly began to trickle through, the somewhat aloof mind aimlessly wandering
A shudder ran through her and with bowed head and closed eyes
She began to sing.
It was a lullaby from she knew not when A part of her mind had forgotten.
Lullabies are stark and cold
Beneath the pale moonlight
With empty arms a story told
That none can now make right
Winter's touch on summer breeze
Time hazy in the dark
Remembering a distant dream
Children playing in a park.
I've lived a life-time in a day
Moments that felt like years
Whether by circumstance of fate
Or carried by my fears
Truth lay hidden by my tears.
I have seen a child grow old
Whose eyes have seen to much
Too much of life
In fullest pain
The bitter and the cold
And yet she clings onto the spring
Where youth had flawless been
Though wisdom has destroyed the hope
To reclaim that child again.
~This is not finished. There is more to that story - she was not alone, and will not remain a forever child. She has grown. But she remembers.