Monday, April 25, 2011

Sometimes it's the only way to get through

Card Towers

Slowly the cards drift down into the silent sky
This flimsy house of cards has housed my heart
And it tumbles down, down
The impact of their fall a resounding crash
That reverberates through my soul
Stack it again, two against
Then one on top
Two more against the sides
Manufacturing the own demise
Of my eternal soul, my heart and all it prizes or opes to achieve

You have forsaken my love
How do you steel your heart against regret?
How do you silence the lies
That nothing is as it once was
That you reach for your hearts demise?
Has love become an unnecessary risk
A past-time far too costly for me to bear?
Its like trying to fathom the refraction of light through a prism
The emotions are cast as colored shadows too numerous to count
Spinning, turning into a disorienting, multifaceted blur

Sunlight on a meadow can prove harsh
As sweet as it makes the flowers
As mercifully as it melts the frost into dew
Shades of gray melt into evening shadows
Cast their blue reflections against new stars and apricot skies
You hold these moments in the palm of your hand
And pray your breath will not be stolen by an errant wind
Or a premature goodbye

Spring brings a freshness to even the most melancholy eye
Soft, vibrant petals and brilliant green
Calling to the nostalgia in our hearts
To a simpler time
When wishes were all roses
Thoughts were always dreams
And dreams were within reach
Now - it's enough just to get by

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Journey Of Pain

It feels like a bleeding wound

Deep inside my soul

It continues to pulse and ache

An endless emptiness

Another grief to stack against the charred cord-wood of losses past

A voluntary goodbye does not diminish the pain

No more than tomorrow will dilute the sorrow of today

I knew you once

And once you knew me well

Like a strangers dance

Ghosting past each other in the same path

To a discordant melody

Black butterflies rising and scattering from their tree

And again my wayward soul finds respite

A temporary shelter in the storm

Though my heart remains its captive

This wandering lilt of sacred pain

Birds dance and dart against the wind

Embracing my soul’s secondary nature

Alive and dead, then back again.

Within the suffering lies the strength

To bear the cross with You

As hoar-frost covers the ground

So misery covers me

It comforts me as knowing pain is to be closer to You in life

To die and to live again in Your shadow

To follow footsteps mired with pain

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Mending Ways

When times stands still

We move so quickly to try and catch up

On moments, hours that we’ve lost

A part of you breaks a little more every day

Dying a slow, gradual death

What was old, being made new

And a life that had started small continues to grow

The heart beating more strongly with every sting

The beatings and scars transforming the image

Like a great wheel pressing the grapes

To produce sweet wine

It is a legacy of pain

Of change

Of loss…

And yet of renewal

Of hope

Of love

Time cannot mend all wounds

It cannot heal all hearts

But it can teach and instruct

It can build a heart if wisdom

We can learn from the history of defeat

So in defeat lies the true victory

Not progress for progress sake

Progress for love's sake

For the sake of a deeper call

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Life & Death

What is it about being near to death that makes us feel so alive?

Why is that living can feel so much like dying?

We die a little more every day

With every breathe we take to sustain life

We breathe in and fill

We breathe out and empty

We close our eyes to sleep

Open them to awaken

We hurt to be alive

We rejoice to lay down and die