It seems a hundred life-times
Have passed through just so many years
It ages you inside
But only shows in your eyes
And through occasional tears
You can only scream so long inside
Before it begins to leak out aloud
Tears have long since lost their value
Pity is no longer enough
Perhaps it was never enough
But long ago, it was all you could hope for
All that was there to see
When did common courtesies and compassion
Shift from expected to surprised
Now over again, back again
Familiar, but not close enough
All the dreaming in the world
Can't change fact to fantasy
Change reality to something kind
Though fantasy can turn cruel
And often does
When did sleep become more real than foreign
Bedding down your emotions
To put a stopper on the cruel retribution of love
Numb as the ice-caps on some distant mountain barely seen
What was old became new
Now what is new begins to mould
To rot in the summer heat
Pummeled by a summer rain that you cannot help but cry
The air is always cold
The warmth felt through someone else's skin
Though joy sometimes fills fit to burst
It is a slow leak that steals its strength
And lowers you back to reality
It is not the tonic of mortality that sickens you to think
It is the more bitter potion of the minds immortality
That chokes its way down your throat
Strangles out the thrashing heart of you
That struggles to remain whole
It is a spirit cracked with age
That still remembers innocense
A life begun anew
That still remembers dying
That knows it will die again all in the process of living
You love in order to live
And live to die with love
To be reduced to something barely breathing
Afraid to look yourself in the eye
As precious and perfect shatters
And lies broken on the floor
A life-time or a day?
Shown from the inside-out
Who is the child and who is the master?
Both lost again in some blue-enshrouded night
Somewhere beyond dreaming
It is a spirit cracked with age
That still remembers innocense
A life begun anew
That still remembers dying
That knows it will die again all in the process of living
You love in order to live
And live to die with love
To be reduced to something barely breathing
Afraid to look yourself in the eye
As precious and perfect shatters
And lies broken on the floor
A life-time or a day?
Shown from the inside-out
Who is the child and who is the master?
Both lost again in some blue-enshrouded night
Somewhere beyond dreaming