Friday, July 26, 2013

Spinning (Song) - temporary title

Note: I literally woke up thinking the lyrics and tune of this song.  I listen a lot to 'Plumb' & 'Meredith Andrews' and I kind of get the vibe of a combination of the two in this song.  Simple, clean, straight-forward and honest like Andrews and a little broken, ballad-like, and full of feeling like Plumb.  But naturally, its as-yet unfinished.

My head is spinning
The world is winning
Things are still moving just as fast
As when I laid down

Alarm clock's screaming
The sun is grinning
 To see me in the same mess as before

I am tired
How can I keep swimming so hard
Against the stream

Guess I don't have what it takes
To fight this fight

Then You remind me with a smile
That I've been trying far too hard
Looked too much at all my scars
You are here
You are near
And its all in Your hands

*     *     *

 *     *     *

When all I can do...
Is follow You

Monday, July 22, 2013


Lost in the big woods
Adrift in a lonely sea
Sometimes its hard
To find the better part of me

Must poke my head above the water
To confront the waves
They loom larger than life
Threaten to take us to our graves

I would drown to calm the storm
In the hearts of those I love
But would hurt them in the process
When will the hurting be enough?

Sometimes we retreat
To draw the unfriendly fire away
Only to confuse our allies
When we've nothing left to say

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

A Coffin, A Cross, And A Martyr

I have played the jester
I have been another nail in the coffin
While the hammer-strokes still ring from long ago

I will carry this rough-hewn cross
And try to ignore the splinters
That prick with every step

A martyr of spirit hurts more
Than a martyr of flesh
What love was meant to lift up
Love has torn apart
But every stone was deserved

No more deserving am I
Of further affection and sacrifice
Than the cat who wore down the sparrow

From a high and lofty place
There were heavy, mighty blows
A hammer was mine
A hammer was theirs
The true damage only God knows

A candy-covered, tissue-paper flower
That holds a mighty sting
A poison thorn of self-deception
Ensnaring any who draw too near

Like the wounded banshee who calls for help
Yet destroys any who respond
Needing a savior as deeply as any
But dragging any compassionate friends down

A keepsake grave
A box to crawl back into
When shame or hurt strikes
And I, possessing the only faulty key
When ages pass into foggy memory
We see our faces are the same
As countless children gone before
Needy, but fallen from grace
Who will, at the last, remember these
Those who had fought and died
Amongst themselves
For want of a secure father?

I have an abstract heart
That was beaten into a deformed shape
Lost underground in the box it sleeps
Needing what it can never have

A child despising its youth
Despising innocense that has long spoiled
What the adult has killed
The child has left behind
What little remains is forever broken

A blanket of blue has covered the top of the sky
Light only peeks through from reflected sun
The heavens are hidden
What more reason is there to look up?

Still there is a beauty in the storm
In its passion and ferocity
In its midnight blues and silver jags
In its desperation to expend all energy
Spill out its full poisonous potency in such a short time
To this, I can relate

The storm makes the air lighter
Takes away its oppressive weight
Fully reveals what it had flashed before in momentary glimpses
Turns the sinister into softness

And so I pray that the storm will pass
Will leave redemption in its wake
Will turn the sinister light of fear into willingness
A pliable soul that You can shape
Rather than a granite block of obstinate shame