Friday, August 8, 2014

Free Write

Hollowed out in long, patient moments
A potter scooping out the clay
Over time, over years
Digging into the fragile layers of our souls
Content to be, content to change
Content to be amorphous we
Content to submit, to resign from captaincy
Letting the craft drift without direction
Becoming and dissolving into fog on the water

Forgive the sorry wind for stealing our breath
For tearing our eyes, turning our vision to stars
For pushing us forward into the unknown
Refusing to let us stay behind our veil of complacency

Spinning in the void of the depths
Diamond dust in our eyes silver streaks in the dark
Water and sky blurring together
Like shadow into sea, sea into night
All into darkness

Breath trapped behind broken bars
Ribs of shattered dreams
Pressed down beneath the teeth of indecision
Do you remember when dreaming was fun?
When air was free?
When hours cost nothing?
When lazy moments wasted?

Forgotten when today ends and tomorrow begins
When love began and when it was lost
When friends became memory
Suddenly, somehow taking every day at a time
Became years with a forgotten beginning
And only filled with the end
Hello's passed so swiftly into goodbyes

Knowing far too much
And never enough
Left to question what has no answers
Imagine what may be real
Stand on what may be dreams
Like walking on a cloud and not finding the sun
For the tears consuming the air

Wednesday, August 6, 2014


Note: I don't suppose I can truthfully say that I'm 'old' at 34.  But I have a lot of friends who are taking care of aging parents and my neighbor/land-lady is in her 80's and struggling with dementia.  I spent some time with her the other day, and I really felt for her.  She talks about things from years ago, things that probably only she is left to remember, calls her friends and kids other names from her childhood... she does a lot of crying and she's very frail.  It just got me to thinking about the experience of aging and how the long life we live will one day seem nearly lost, if not gone completely, and there will be few who will understand or share many of those memories with us... It doesn't necessarily make me sad, as bad as I feel for this sweet lady.  It just makes me reflect on how time affects lives and the hearts of the best, and worst, of us.  Maybe its a reminder to truly appreciate each day and each memory, each person that touches our lives and makes them a bit brighter.  I thought of childhood memories as I wrote, and also of my grandmother(s).  Comforting memories of a childhood that seems long ago.  I wonder what I will remember when I reach their age.

So, as such, this poem I started writing is NOT intended to be disrespectful or sad or make any reader sad, it's just... an expression of what I felt coming from this sweet lady who memory is slipping away... Its not particularly long, and I do plan to add to it later.

Flaccid skin and memories
Wilting in the high noon sun
Youth long flown away on departed autumn wings
So impertinent and unkind time has become
Leaving me far behind in winter's unforgiving glare

Gone and lost the vitality I once ignored
Forgotten to all but this tired mind
What began in innocence, the clock has wound back again full circle
Is yesterday today?  Or today lost in yesterday?
The moments blur and fade
Then surface from the deep waters and flare
Sudden bursts of clarity...
Then all recedes again like tides in the mist
How fleeting new flames flicker and waver in life's unrelenting gale

*     *     *

So my mind seeks to think of finer things
Finer times and a kinder world
Like the fresh blush of early morning as the red dawn stains the grass
How the nightingale sings
And the soft flap of barn owl's wings...

Amber fields of fireflies
Laughing and dancing in their flickering light
Sun-ripened grass drifting fragrant vines of scent across the air
Hickory-smoke and cherry-wood from a lazy-embered pipe

Ornamental dishes lined up like ancient knights
Fluttering shadows strobe their faces
Cast through open windows and billowing lace curtains
Old perfume, antiquated but loved
Like rose-petals tucked inside a scroll-top desk

Blue gas flames whooshing to kiss a cast-iron skillet
Still warm from last tea-kettle
Flour and buttermilk being washed from wizened hands
Hands that felt like tissue-paper and sugar
As my own now, blue-veined and white
Eyes that once looked on me with love
Admired my youth and my innocence
They are now reflected in, now become my own
As I gaze upon little faces that smile back at me
As I once smiled up at hers