All poems written and copyright by: Kaylie RosenberryAs this is my 1st time blogging, I felt an introduction must be in order. I am not organized by nature, but am precise and very particular when it comes to my writing.
Very simply - I write. Reflections/essays/journal entries, whichever label you choose, but mainly poetry. Occasionally, I dabble with short stories, and have an unfinished novel I still dream of publishing. But simply, "I write." is the best way to say it.
I am a person of conscience, I like to believe, and I am a Christian and dedicated to the love and service that bespeaks the term. I in no way discourage belief or full trust,nor do I have any intention of judging anyone wrongly, but I must say, all those with more sensitive eyes and ears may not always care for my writing. I do not lie and pull no punches. What comes out, comes out. While confident in what I believe, and I am in no way perfect, and in those most emotional moments, the writing pours forth. It is what it is. A moment of doubt, fear, questioning, confusion, pain... Writing is a free expression as I see it. How one interprets it, understands it, and hears it is subject to personal preference and just as freely embraced as the writing. My poetry is simply the truth as I see it, at any given moment. I do not seek to evoke criticism or a judgment from anyone. I write to inspire - to inspire thought, emotion, imagination, and spur on further creativity. That is, after all, what verbal expression and communication is about. It's real life, not fiction or what we would always WANT the world to be, though sometimes it dabbles into those illusory depths.
It is perhaps a journey into my mind and spirit, but it is also often intended to provoke a journey into the reader's mind. Some write to elicit a reaction - I write to express, but also to put into words something which can never truly be put into verbalization - emotion and all of its dark, joyful, hopeful, wistful, ambivalent glory. Perhaps someone would view it is as an impossible task, but I do not. I care little for degrees or for academic achievement and titles or rank, though I respect and envy those who have risen to that challenge. I believe to question is to prove your depth and your intelligence, and to search is to emphasize the divine hunger in each person that longs to be free. Searching and sometimes finding, is a purpose, and an accomplishment in and of itself... So, to you, I bid welcome, and deep breathing to keep a steady pace on your thoughts and your dreams.