Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Tears of Stars

Written and Copyrighted by: Kaylie Rosenberry 2009'

Tears Of Stars

Against this shallow sky

Whose depths I cannot perceive

The stars are tears who infrequently fall

And leave their sparkle in her eyes
Their glittering tails on her cheeks

Scandalized by the blackness

Few people keep their eyes fixed

Most turn away from what they fight

With no clarity on what they face

What could swallow them whole

* * *

And in the morning gleams

Like pearl and golden rivers

The sunrise those distant tears

Praise in the dark.

This dim tumult of awesome beauty

Stark and lovely its contrast

Like rocky, divine-worked rock formations

Stained red even in the shade

And the glistening, diamond dust sands of the sea

In the black deserts they find their reflection

Twinkling back beneath the sun

To their sun-dark skies

* * *

She keeps a weary kinship with those celestial tears
Constant the silent vigil they keep as the nights fill with weighty moments and remembered dreams.
Their aroma sweet like the flower petals as they brush inside the window

And past the gauzy curtains.

Gone are the days past and the days ahead too

When mocked in unfounded hopes cool shadow

What we can want

What we can need

What we can believe

Upon waking slips from our grasp like fog from our fingers.

The fancies of this beating heart

Beyond what her hands can touch

Only in her mind can come to be.

The song of wistfulness

A pillow beneath her fragile cheek

When memories repeated chorus

Is pleasant and precious

Only returnable in sleep

Drops of regret like rain in the sunlight

Thick screen of prismatic color

To flavor memories warm touch

But ill suited to beat the dust

And make remorse rise in clouds.

This swirling tempest to barrage the mind

Make no thought quiet

Bitter mingled with the sweet

The company of angels
Be they black or white
Roaring in her soul

* * *

Pausing to make room

For the reflective eye

Hands pressed against the wooden sill

Head bowed
Mind consumed with the dizzying scope

Of nightmare and reality.

The solid, soft grain of the wood

Beneath her rigid hands

The bird song against the morning air

Simple and uncomplicated
The cool, misty air a drink of relief

From the drowning compression of these cerebral wings


And there, deeper than these wondering eyes

The essence of the wood beneath her fingers

Or the trilling of mornings song

Is the whisper

In the thoughts, in the dreams,
In the night and in the dark,
In the dawn and in the sea,

And yes, ever in the light from the tears of the stars

You are.

Written: Aug. 25th, 200Written9

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