Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Won't Be Long

Note: This is actually a song in progress.  It makes more sense as a song given the rhythms and stuff.  But, as with most of my poetry, it doesn't have a totally consistent format, so... I don't know, maybe its better as just a poem.  Still working on it, but having some trouble now.  The first line I heard in my head for this was, 'I know the pain is strong, but it won't be long.'  THAT was to music.  So... we'll see what develops.  At least it has the comfort embedded right in it, unlike most of my poetry which doesn't mention it much - if at all.


There are several Biblical passages that this song is derived from.  I could list them all - and maybe will later.  But the primary one that its based off of is: 2 Cor. 4:17 

The psalmist said that it's a passing thing

This fallen world and all the tears it brings

It seems the darkness never goes away

We dream there just must be a better way

We see our sufferings with each light of day

The strong prevail, the innocent that pay

Are we doing something wrong?

Or is this the only song

Life plays?

We see a world that's constantly besieged

By monsters we ourselves released

We say our prayers in the light

But fight against them in the night

Lord help us fight hypocrisy

For its You that bleeds

Bring our nation to its knees

So we can truly see


Its passing shadows ore' the moon

A moment in the night

But joy comes in the morning

Though I know the pain is strong

It won't be long

There will come a better day

Your glory outshines the stars

This world will pass away

But You'll remain

We'll forget the bitter stains

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