Sunday, October 20, 2013

Battle Never Ends

Author's Notes:  Don't ask me why I'm rhyming today, I usually don't.  It creates a false expectation of rhythm that I can never quite keep up with or maintain, so the stanzas come across stumbling and out of balance.  I don't think I've ever enjoyed my 'work' when it rhymes, but this just seemed to flow out very quickly and naturally, so... I just let it.  Drop the smoking box, then walked away.

Departed again, you fickle sense of balance
Though not from my mistakes
Perhaps through misguided focus
Not enough to have pin-points on the graph
Marks on a grid
Locations on a map
When the compass keeps spinning out of orbit
A ragged feather in my cap

Not enough to tip the scales ever in my favor
When a feather can knock them askew
Not enough to frame in rose-wood and cherry hue
When in the picture remains memories of you

Not enough to remain and breathe
And abide in solid hands
Still so often must I battle
So often must I stand

Victories make battles worth it in the end
Yet still when I lay down to rest
I wonder when I must fight again

Ever vigilant, but ever weary
My eyes cannot be still
My allies grow farther apart
And my enemies merge together
In some dreadful, evil swill

Who can resist while staring a demon in the eye
Ignoring its relentless taunts
Yet still hear yesterday's trembling cry
Look back and weep
Look forward and wonder
See all that has been built
Remember all that was torn asunder

Is there a purpose to this madness?
To fighting without end?
I know the prize will be mine in the end
But how far must I bend?

My eyes are weak from crying
My vision blurred with smoke
From a fire ever kindled
That the enemy will never cease to stoke

Understanding may be a faulty thing
As it answers fewer questions than it asks
Completing one more goal
To be handed ten more tasks

I want to cry 'Foul!'
PLEASE, stop and let me rest!
But there are no respites in this game
There's always another test

Today my faltering breath turns sour
Pools in my throat
Turn putrid in my stomach
Become a heavy, discordant note

Others seem so steady
Like they've forgotten how to fail
Yet forever I feel I take up
The dreaded hammer and nail

It was my sin that held you there
Seems my pain alone you carried
Even then enough to bow your back
My ways so thoughtless and harried

What is the purpose of the hint of flower
If the stem cannot bear its own weight?
Why must I, with the smallest of why's
Be ram-shackled to a cart of hate

What You have forgiven Lord, still I despise
What You have sewn, I continue to rip
What You've let go into the breeze
I cling to with the tightest grip

Why does memory never fail me
In the times where I most need it to?
It should be so easy letting go
But it seems impossible for me to do

My head hurts
It HURTS from this incessant malaise!
No, a pill won't cure this self-affliction
I can only pray for those brighter days

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