I was reading my homework tonight - which lines up very neatly with everything else that God has been telling me literally through writing - and I realized that I've been fighting a losing battle here simply because I've been fighting with my head down. How can someone possibly fight when they're not facing what is attacking them? So, I have had enough! Every time it seems that something really amazing is happening in my life - like the new job God graciously provided - I am instantly besieged without even having time to delight in the last victory! And then I feel like all I have to say to people that I care about and deeply respect is to request prayer for the crappy stuff and then feel guilty for always being gloomy and not having more encouraging things to say. Enough is enough, I am putting my foot down! As my aunt is always quoting, 'Greater is He that is in me than he who is in the world.' and she is SO RIGHT! So it's time I start believing it and acting like it! If satan wants a battle, I am going to bring the battle to him instead of waiting for his inevitable attacks! And it's not going to be with my head down in a complete lack of confidence which is ridiculously easy to defeat, it's going to be with my head held high in confidence for the One who goes into battle before me! I am an adamant believer in spiritual warfare and that it is not emphasized nearly enough in the modern church and yet I seem to have such difficulty to combat it in my own personal life. So, enough is enough! I'm tired of being held back in defeat by my own lousy insecurities and weaknesses! And no more whining to my friends, even when things are tough! They have problems enough of their own and don't need to hear about more. Who wants to hear someone whine all the time anyway?! They deserve a lot better than that, and so do I.
I just thought I better get that out in writing, both so that I can fully retain what I've just said and so that there is a written record of it!
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