And sigh through your eyes
While I cry through my smile
I tempt you to love
To care more deeply than your life allows
Not a love that is profane or impure
But a compassion that supersedes understanding
You tempt me
To hold on and not to lose hope that was lost long ago
Love is reserved for you
Only in the confines of those few
Fated to be with you for life
Dare we not intrude on the rest
Your heart only has room for so many
And shuts out all those who would draw near
So on the fringes we watch
As you vow to love more
While shutting out love that might have been
Shutting out what is no longer convenient
To love more what had been neglected before
Is it the fault of those who you took pity on
Those you allowed inside your heart
That you made us a family
And denied your own?
But now cast off and forgotten
A martyr to your over-achievement and ambition
To an empathy you could not deny
But can now forget