Thursday, January 8, 2015

Writer's Group Writing Prompt

Author's Note:  So, tonight I went to my first ever West Shore Writer's Group at my church.  I'd been meaning to do that for years, and finally made it tonight.  Honestly, I had SUCH a good time!  I'm so glad that I went!  One of the things we did was a writing prompt with a 5 minute window to write.  I am blogging now what I wrote during that prompt.   Now just to give you a point of reference, before I went into the group, I was nearly in tears because I was stressing over financial issues (namely the inadequate heating at home during a bitter cold few days).  But despite that, during the writing prompt, this short 'poem' I'll call it regarding 'Courage' came out.  I am considering it a blessing because despite everything else, God's positivism came out and it was not my doing at all.  God simply speaks for Himself.  Those are always the best.  And to my surprise and delight, (even though it wasn't really me) the group loved it and had rave reviews for it. :) I say that not to brag, but to express my joy in the warm, fuzzy feeling that the affirmation gave me.  Yes, even for me, the occasional 'warm fuzzies' are a GOOD and needed thing. ;)

The actual prompt was: Demonstrate or personify either Cowardice or Courage.


Looking yourself in the face and saying, "I accept you, but let's grow."

Looking at grief and saying, "Yes.  It hurts.  But I will learn rather than grow bitter."

Looking at an enemy and saying, "You don't have to like me.  You can even abuse me.  But I will love you in return."

Looking at what you fear the most and walking up to shake its hand.

Looking at your child and saying, "Follow me.  Learn from me." 
(any parent will understand how terrify *that* can be)

Looking at a past that has defined you
Nodding and saying, "Its been nice knowing you."

Looking at past accomplishments and realizing you learned more from your defeats

Looking at the sunset and anticipating dawn

Looking at the cross and remembering resurrection

Looking at death and focusing on the rest of your life
Even if you have only moments remaining

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