Sunday, January 24, 2010



Does she ever look down
From her high and lofty place
So unaware of her own majesty
And realize how high she has been raised?

* * *

From a flower, crushed and battered
Bruised into the murky soil
Color once vivid has faded
Vibrancy had once made her seem so alive
Yet now the cloudy sky
Has left her heart scarcely beating
So resembling the mud that’s caked her surface
She breathes, and chokes.
Uncertain of why she cannot rise
Cannot see the sun behind the gray clouds
Merely reflecting the raindrops
Teardrops in foggy puddles

Around her, above her
Skies soften from harsh white
Into darkness
Gifting the cover of night
To hide her gloomy plumage
To conceal an otherwise pale
And pathetic gaze.
So sad, with no reason
So frightened of nothing but a shadow
So disgusted by nothing more than her own reflected face.

* * *

Golden spring
From where do you return
With your tilted halo?
Your soft winds and sultry breezes
Had been my sheltered pillow.
Slowly brightening like a spark gradually flaming in the dark
Restoring color and brilliance
And causing the dull lassitude to shrink back
And melt away into its own silence.
Filling the emptiness with song
And raising to life deaths saddened victims
Snatching them from its clutches
Gone, gone
Gone are you night from whence
The melancholy banshee came
Now sings her final cries
Into a lullaby
Come morning sweetly awakened.

Winter, pale and fair as you may be
You cannot withhold the sunshine forever
Like dandelion seeds in sunny fields
Like butterflies her memories linger
As soft as your new snow
But soothing
A blanket from your chill
Is this mantle of sunlight
Reaching and dripping into every shadow
Spilling out of heaven’s fountain
Like a rainbow caught on fanning rays
A bride greeting her adoring morning
With dew a gentle kiss

And a flower that had slowly faded
Rising to take a breath…
Drinking in the renewal of your longer days
And forgiving nights
Like water poured out onto frozen ground
Defrosting the paralyzing touch
Petals and her dry, thirsting face
Rising and reaching upward…

On the pinnacle of the highest mountain
Oh the depth from whence she’d risen
Buried now beneath the hope
Replaced with love of a depth we cannot define

* * *

Does she ever look down

From her high and lofty place

So unaware of her own majesty

And realize how high she has been risen?

Only to smile at the distance

And the miraculous memories

Coming from a most High and Holy place.

Written: January 23rd, 2010

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